Yoga Strong


Feb 11-13, 18-20 and 25-27


Online Training
Yoga Strong

Welcome to Noah’s latest live class series to continue approaching 2025 in a healthy and positive way. These classes will help you gain strength, mobility and clarity in your body, mind and heart. YOGA STRONG features 9 live classes over three weeks, all recorded and archived, on consecutive Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 10-11:15am MST.  On Tuesdays we focus on strength and stability, Wednesdays emphasize flexibility and mobility, and Thursdays take us deep into reflective and contemplative practices and longer duration supported poses:  

Tensile Strength Tuesdays are strength focused with an overall emphasis on staying strong and integrated in every movement and pose. Expect lots of deep core activations (mula-bandha, uddiyana-bandha), 360-degree core strengthening #ohmycore , applications into strength-based poses, and fun arm balance peak pose moments. 

Wednesday Bendsdays focus on progressive mobilization and flexibility in safe and intelligent ways. Expect to bend in every direction with step-by-step sequencing, often with an overall emphasis on backbending postures and extension-based movement, and creative prop work to offer support as you open your front body structures and strengthen your back body. 

Thankful Thursdays flow more slowly with an emphasis on contemplation and reflective themes, practice delicious restorative and supported poses, inversions, forward folds, meditation, pranayama and journaling. 

How does it work to participate? Register and join the live daily classes at 10am MST Tuesday thru Thursday (February 11-13, 18-20 & 25-27) to practice together live online. If you can’t make the live class, you can access the class recording shortly after each live practice completes. Repeat the classes as many times as you want for 2+ weeks after the final session completes. If you wish to maintain your access longer, join our YogaLive subscription and continue accessing these 9 classes and the entire archive of YogaLive classes on 

What props do I need? I love props and often teach and practice with lots, but you can also make do with whatever you have available that day, and I will give options for those who have fewer props available. If you don’t have exactly what I’m using, just improvise as best you can and substitute for what you don’t have with what you do have. In general (and if possible), I recommend having on hand: a yoga mat, 3 to 5 yoga blankets, a bolster or pillow, 2 blocks, a strap, a resistance band, a backless yoga chair, and sliders (blankets or towels or socks on a hard surface floor, or furniture/exercise sliders). 

Register Now

T/W/Th February 11-13, 18-20 and 25-27 from 10-11:15am MST

  • We are big believers in getting to know our students personally. We prefer in person communication and respond quickly and comprehensively by phone, and Tracy Mazé may be reached at (310) 871-8808 anytime via call or text.
  • Alternatively, please email and include the best phone number to reach you.
  • If you prefer communication solely via email, please email and allow us up to a week for us to respond to your inquiry.

What Students Are Saying

The Mazé Method School was created to provide the highest quality yoga education through our in-person and on-demand programs.

“This is the hardest and the most rewarding training I’ve ever done.”

Aria M.

“Studying with Noah has opened up possibilities I hadn’t known existed.”

Natalia C.

“This experience was transformative. I was challenged, affirmed, inspired, and reminded of what a gift it is to be a yogi.”

Willis J.

“I will forever be grateful for this experience. It was exactly what I hoped for and exceeded my already high expectations”

Annie S.