YOGAMAZÉ ASANA: The Deep Core with Noah Mazé

What is the “Deep Core” and how does stabilization work?

As Noah Mazé of The Mazé Method explains, the “Deep Core” are primarily slow-twitch fibers, also referred to as “local stabilizers”—

  • These are the deeper abdominal muscle layers. Slow-twitch fibers primarily make up the local muscle system and the muscles of the deeper abdominal muscle layers.
  • These muscles are closer to the center of rotation of the spinal segments.
  • It is this ability to stabilize your lumbar spine in its many positions that enables you to overcome back problems and reduce your chances of a reoccurrence.

What muscles make up the “Deep Core”?

  • Transversus Abdominus
  • Multifidi
  • Pelvic Floor Muscles
  • Diaphragm

*Internal obliques are also slow twitch

How does stabilization work?

  • Research has shown that it is not simply the deep-layer abdominal muscles you recruit during stabilization of the spine, instead it is HOW they are recruited that is important.
  • Co-contraction of the deeper-layer transverse abdominus and multifidi muscle groups occurs BEFORE any movement of the limbs.
  • The transverse abdominus is active 30 milliseconds BEFORE movement of the shoulder and 110 milliseconds BEFORE leg movement.
  • In other research, it was found that those who sustained a low back injury had difficulty recruiting their transverse abdominus and multifidi muscles early enough to stabilize the spine before movement.

Deep Core