Essential Skills: Teacher Tune-Up

Join Noah Mazé for a special 7-day ONLINE yoga teacher tune-up that will boost your practice and sharpen your yoga teaching skills. This 7-day training is spread out over 2 weeks and will re-invigorate your teaching skills and practice with a deep dive experiential education into the essential teaching skills. This program’s hours count toward our 300 hour program as well as toward continuing education (both with Yoga Alliance too). You may attend live in real time, from 8:30am PST to 2:30PM PST, to maximize your learning in community, or you may unpack the archived lessons again and again on your own schedule. In addition to the essential sessions, each day will include bonus classes and resources so that you have plenty of continued experiential learning between the sessions and over the weeks and months following. This is Module 1 for current Mazé Method YTT300 trainees, and offered as a Teacher Tune-Up for qualified applicants with a YTT200 prerequisite who seek continuing education.
If you want to be a more effective and powerful teacher, start by examining the clarity and integrity of your teaching over these 7 days. Whether you are a teacher looking for new skills and tools, to broaden your range, to be re-inspired, and/or improve your practice— this week will up level your yoga. This is not an introductory teacher training; it is for existing and experienced teachers who wish to expand their knowledge and skills, become more potent and precise with their teaching, revitalize their practice, and reawaken their creativity and love of teaching. You will also expand your abilities in sequencing and teaching alignment hatha-style classes and hatha/vinyasa classes and increase the clarity and potency of your verbal cues, observation skills, pose improvement/refinement skills, postural demonstrations, use of physical touch and assists. Finally, we will help you bring inspiration and themes (myth and metaphor) into your classes. You will be met right where you are at in your teaching experience and you will go to the next level in a supportive and rigorous learning environment.
Each day will begin with contemplation, meditation and discussion. Then, we dive deeply into teaching skills through a dynamic mix of theory and experiential learning to refine what you already know, and to help you gain more tools to deepen the potency and expand the range of your teaching. Next, Noah will teach a full spectrum sequence daily to showcase and highlight the skills of the day and to nourish your body/mind/heart in mindful movement and experiential learning in community. Expect strong mixed level yoga practices each day with Noah to further develop your own asana practice, understanding of pose architecture and to experience the sequencing and teaching skills in action. After class we will have time to debrief and reflect and practice teaching. Additionally, each day will include homework assignments for the next day, as well as further suggestions to integrate over time.
March 17-21 & April 2 (All Online Day)
- Exact daily schedule to be announced in this course’s online learning portal and community SLACK CHANNEL; however, a typical schedule for learning is day begins at 9 am PST and ends at 5 pm PST
- You may attend live sessions partially and catch up with recordings at your own pace
- If these times are not convenient, a recorded version of this course is available now and may be replaced with the February version as soon as it has been recorded
- Students MAY begin any time with recordings and switch into the live course as/if desired
- Students maintain access to the material without expiration and are able to revisit and repeat classes and lessons without limitation
If you want to be a more effective and powerful teacher, start by examining the clarity and integrity of your teaching over these 7 days. Whether you are a teacher looking for new skills and tools, to broaden your range, to be re-inspired, and/or improve your practice— this week will up level your yoga. This is not an introductory teacher training; it is for existing and experienced teachers who wish to expand their knowledge and skills, become more potent and precise with their teaching, revitalize their practice, and reawaken their creativity and love of teaching. You will also expand your abilities in sequencing and teaching alignment hatha-style classes and hatha/vinyasa classes and increase the clarity and potency of your verbal cues, observation skills, pose improvement/refinement skills, postural demonstrations, use of physical touch and assists. Finally, we will help you bring inspiration and themes (myth and metaphor) into your classes. You will be met right where you are at in your teaching experience and you will go to the next level in a supportive and rigorous learning environment.
Each day will begin with contemplation, meditation and discussion. Then, we dive deeply into teaching skills through a dynamic mix of theory and experiential learning to refine what you already know, and to help you gain more tools to deepen the potency and expand the range of your teaching. Next, Noah will teach a full spectrum sequence daily to showcase and highlight the skills of the day and to nourish your body/mind/heart in mindful movement and experiential learning in community. Expect strong mixed level yoga practices each day with Noah to further develop your own asana practice, understanding of pose architecture and to experience the sequencing and teaching skills in action. After class we will have time to debrief and reflect and practice teaching. Additionally, each day will include homework assignments for the next day, as well as further suggestions to integrate over time.
Day 1 - Essential Tool Kit
Teaching Skills:
- Sequencing Strategies & Class Construction Overview
- Full Spectrum Sequencing
- Essential Teaching Skills Overview
- Regression & Progression
Asana: Full Spectrum Sequence (general sequence)
Day 2 - Say What You Mean
Teaching Skills:
- Verbal Instructions
- Pose Scripts
- Teaching a pose in stages/options – mixed levels strategies
- Use of Props
Asana: Full Spectrum Sequence Expanded w/ stages/options
Day 3 - Teach to What You See
Teaching Skills:
- Verbal instructions continued
- Observation skills
- Conscious use of repetition
- Pose Improvement/Refinement Scripts
- Key Action Scripts
- Pose knowledge
Asana: Full spectrum w/ key action & pose improvement focus
Day 4 - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Teaching Skills:
- Postural Demonstrations
- Intro a pose
- Key action
- Pose improvement
- Mirroring
Asana: Full Spectrum to Peak Pose (Urdhva D)
Day 5 - Pose Architecture
Teaching Skills:
- Pose knowledge
- Deconstruct to reconstruct
- Applied anatomy
Asana: Full spectrum w/ functional anatomy skills n’ drills
Day 6 - Support and Refine
Teaching Skills:
- Use of touch
- Instructing self-palpation
- Assisting & spotting poses
- Hands on adjustments
Asana: Full spectrum w/ self-palpation instructions? Or use a model?
Day 7 - Evocative Inspiration, Rhythm & Flow
Teaching Skills:
- Inspiration & Themes
- Opening & closing classes
- Presence of Teacher
- Instructing meditation
- Instructing pranayama
- Rhythm and flow of vinyasa
Asana: Full Spectrum w theme vinyasa/ish
- 1 year of yoga practice recommended
- No prior teaching experience required
- Stiffness and injuries OK
- Willingness to participate in a group process
- Ability to give and receive feedback skillfully
- Dedication, motivation and self directed studentship
“I would definitely recommend this program, and I already have. It was top notch in quality and quantity of material, as well as in support and openness and communication. Noah’s unique experience has produced an unparalleled leader, facilitator, and guide. Lessons learned in our training modules have extended far beyond the scope of yoga into life and relating to others in a more effective manner. I received SO MUCH, this training goes above and beyond for any student wanting to deepen their skills, gain confidence, and reach a new level of mastery in yoga.”
“Noah is inspiring and exhibits an unparalleled mastery of teaching. For some time now, I have been contemplating the notion, “be impeccable with your word.” I tried to think of people who embody this and would often come up empty until I met Noah. Noah is careful with his words, exhibits accuracy, accountability, and thoughtful articulation. These are important qualities in an effective leader. When Noah speaks, people listen – and they take it to heart. Along with that, he also embodies creativity, playfulness, humor, sensitivity, and ardor. All of these qualities make for a very well-rounded, inspiring leader and I feel honored to have received guidance and to have learned such a great deal, not just about yoga, but about life.”
- We are big believers in getting to know our students personally. We prefer in person communication and respond quickly and comprehensively by phone, and Tracy Mazé may be reached at (310) 871-8808 anytime via call or text.
- Alternatively, please email and include the best phone number to reach you.
- If you prefer communication solely via email, please email and allow us up to a week for us to respond to your inquiry.