Train The Trainer: Beyond Teaching Asana

“We learn and retain 10% of what we hear, 15% of what we see, 20% of what we both see and hear, 40% of what we discuss, 80% of what we experience directly or practice doing and 90% of what we attempt to teach others.”
– Marion Brady
Join me (Noah Mazé), ONLINE to learn how to effectively design and facilitate yoga teacher trainings over this very special 5 day online intensive, created for yoga educators (from newer to more seasoned), workshop & retreat leaders, and yoga teacher trainers.
This training consists of real-time live stream classes, interactive Zoom discussions, and a variety of video content. It will be streamed and filmed in accordance with temporary Yoga Alliance guidelines, and is thus accredited through Yoga Alliance . This training counts with Yoga Alliance for 40 hours of contact continuing education hours, and meets the bulk of annual CE requirement(s) for yoga teachers. We are able to view your interactivity with the lessons and can confirm your attendance to issue certificates for this in person credit. The course also counts toward our 300 hour certificate (which requires 270 contact hours). If you are at home with time, you can take this online program live and in person or as your schedule allows. Access to this training content does not expire.
Train the Trainer is an integrated academic (theory) and skill-based (technique) course in experiential education, facilitation, leadership development and curriculum design in the context of teaching yoga. In this program, you will receive thoughtful and strategic leadership and educational tools to guide and instruct others in a safe, enriching, and responsible manner toward their goals of teaching teachers of yoga.
My academic background is in experiential education, and for many years I worked for Outward Bound and similar organizations leading wilderness trips for groups of kids, teens, young adults and adults. That work required a diverse set of skills, from technical ‘hard skills’ like setting up anchors for rock climbing and rappelling, to ‘soft skills’ of interpersonal communication, briefing and debriefing activities and guiding a group of strangers into becoming a healthy community. Many of these skills apply to teaching yoga, but it wasn’t until I began offering yoga teacher trainings that I saw how critically important my educational training was to my role of teacher trainer.
In the thousands of hours of yoga trainings and teaching certifications that I have received in the past 30 years, almost none of those hours prepared me for the role of Yoga Teacher Trainer. I began to appreciate just how huge of a distinction there is between; (1) practicing yoga, (2) pursuing an education and deeper understanding of the history and traditions of yoga, (3) skillfully teaching 60 (or 75 or 90) minute yoga classes, (4) teaching workshops and leading retreats, (5) and teaching someone to teach yoga, in the context of a 200+ hour yoga teacher training.
While most yoga teacher trainings take up ALL of these goals, most yoga teachers do not fully appreciate nor understand the difference between teaching yoga to people AND teaching people to teach yoga. Further, many yoga teacher trainers have not had any training in educational theory, curriculum development, presentation design, group facilitation, communication, leadership, group dynamics etc. Most yoga teacher trainers evolved into the role of trainer because they have students that want to become yoga teachers, and so they all kind of figure it out together.
I remember having distinct conversations about this with some of my teachers and close colleagues over the years; about how we were training and evaluating and certifying teachers to effectively teach yoga classes, but that TEACHING A SKILLFUL YOGA CLASS IS NOT THE SAME SKILL SET AS FACILITATING A 200 HOUR YTT, how we we were not preparing them for the role of teacher trainer, even though they were officially qualified to offer YTT programs. I clearly saw then, as I do now, the need for that level of knowledge and skills, and that there are precious few opportunities to receive such training. That, to make a long story less long, is why this program was born.
Train the Trainer lives deeply embedded in the last module of our advanced 300/500hour YTT programs and is the culmination of the training for a group that has been together for a year already. We have rarely offered this training as a stand-alone Teacher Tune Up module, as the bar of prior knowledge and experience is high, but this is one of those rare occasions. Space is limited.
The training is comprised of lectures with me and videos of our virtual classroom sessions, where we process questions and answers with one another. There are lessons, classes, breaks, video lessons, teaching practicum, homework, and many additional resources. For example, when joining this training, you will immediately receive access to an additional "bonus" online course ("Essential Teaching Skills" ) which you can watch on your own time via our online course platform Our training videos are of high quality and easy to watch. Our platform is user friendly and fun to navigate. Once the training takes place live (on the dates listed) it will be archived and will reside in one easy to find folder- available to you anytime when you log into Website.
Join us. We look forward to learning with you.
January 12-16 & February 4 (All Online Day) (This module is best attended live when possible. Hours will be adjusted closer to delivery date to maximize group participation based upon group makeup.)
- Exact daily schedule to be announced in this course’s online learning portal and community SLACK CHANNEL; however, a typical schedule for learning is day begins at 9 am PST and ends at 5 pm PST
- You may attend live sessions partially and catch up with recordings at your own pace
- If these times are not convenient, a recorded version of this course is available now and may be replaced with the February version as soon as it has been recorded
- Students MAY begin any time with recordings and switch into the live course as/if desired
- Students maintain access to the material without expiration and are able to revisit and repeat classes and lessons without limitation
Train the Trainer is an integrated academic (theory) and skill-based (technique) course in experiential education, facilitation, leadership development and curriculum design in the context of teaching yoga.
In this program, you will receive thoughtful and strategic leadership and educational tools to guide and instruct others in a safe, enriching, and responsible manner toward their goals of teaching yoga:
- Leadership, Leadership Styles, Power & Authority
- Experiential Education, Educational Theory, Curriculum Design, Presentation Design, How To Create Learning Resources & Maximize Learning, Learning Styles & Teaching Styles
- Seat of The Teacher: Presence, Ethics, Healthy Boundaries, Energy Management & Self Care
- Teaching People to Teach: Hard Skills of Teaching, Soft Skills of Teaching
- Group Facilitation: Briefing & Debriefing Techniques, Opening & Closing Circles, Contemplation & Journaling
- Understanding Group Dynamics, Stages of Group Development
- Reading the Room: Where a Plan Meets Reality, Connecting to Your Audience – Getting “Buy In”
- Effective Communication & Conflict Resolution
- Giving & Receiving Effective Feedback
- Curriculum Design for Yoga Classes, Workshops, Retreats, Trainings – Understanding the Arc of a Training, the Arc of a Day, the Arc of a Presentation
- Power, Authority & Healthy Boundaries in Complex Relationships: Teacher-Teacher, Co-Teachers, Employer-Employee, Teacher-Student, and Student-Student Relationships.
- Understanding Projection, Transference, Counter Transference
- How to Prepare and Offer Presentations: Ethical Case Study, Yoga Philosophy Presentation, Anatomy Presentation
- Professional Development: Business of Yoga, Social Media Strategies, Marketing
- 500 Hour ERYT (500 Hour RYT ok; 200 Hour RYT only with prior approval)
- Stiffness and injuries OK
- Willingness to participate in a group process
- Ability to give and receive feedback skillfully
- Dedication, motivation and self directed studentship
“I would definitely recommend this program, and I already have. It was top notch in quality and quantity of material, as well as in support and openness and communication. Noah’s unique experience has produced an unparalleled leader, facilitator, and guide. Lessons learned in our training modules have extended far beyond the scope of yoga into life and relating to others in a more effective manner. I received SO MUCH, this training goes above and beyond for any student wanting to deepen their skills, gain confidence, and reach a new level of mastery in yoga.”
“Noah is inspiring and exhibits an unparalleled mastery of teaching. For some time now, I have been contemplating the notion, “be impeccable with your word.” I tried to think of people who embody this and would often come up empty until I met Noah. Noah is careful with his words, exhibits accuracy, accountability, and thoughtful articulation. These are important qualities in an effective leader. When Noah speaks, people listen – and they take it to heart. Along with that, he also embodies creativity, playfulness, humor, sensitivity, and ardor. All of these qualities make for a very well-rounded, inspiring leader and I feel honored to have received guidance and to have learned such a great deal, not just about yoga, but about life.”
- We are big believers in getting to know our students personally. We prefer in person communication and respond quickly and comprehensively by phone, and Tracy Mazé may be reached at (310) 871-8808 anytime via call or text.
- Alternatively, please email and include the best phone number to reach you.
- If you prefer communication solely via email, please email and allow us up to a week for us to respond to your inquiry.