Vinyasa Krama: Teaching & Practice Intensive

Join Noah Maze ONLINE, in your own time, to learn how to weave and fuse form and flow over this vinyasa yoga ONLINE INTENSIVE, comprised of 50+ hours of structured live and pre-recorded online training. This online course was filmed in accordance with temporary Yoga Alliance guidelines, and is thus accredited though Yoga Alliance . It counts towards 50 hours of continuing education hours, and meets the bulk of annual CE requirement(s) for yoga teachers; providing you with 28 hours of in person credit and an additional 22 hours of non-contact credit. We are able to view your interactivity and can confirm your attendance and engagement to issue certificates for your in person credit. The course also counts toward our 300 hour certificate (which requires 270 contact hours). Access to this content does not expire.
Training substance is focused on teaching vinyasa/flow yoga. It will expand your understanding of vinyasa yoga, breath based movement, and sequencing strategies to optimize flow. We dive deeply into pose analysis, organizing principles, vinyasa sequencing and how to skillfully balance pose alignment and choreography, with dynamic pace, optimal rhythm and breath awareness. You will acquire knowledge and many relevant and practical tools and techniques to implement into your practice (and teaching).
Embody your own most effective teacher, and the integrity of your offering will be magnetic and magical. Whether you are a vinyasa teacher looking for new skills and tools, an alignment-based teacher seeking to broaden your range, or a serious yogi who wants to know more about how to optimize your flow practice-- this program is for you. And it's coming straight to you-- AT HOME!
The training is comprised of live interactive sessions, pre-recorded teaching skills lectures, and vinyasa classes with Noah. Our videos are of high quality and easy to watch. Our platform is user friendly and fun to navigate. Join the live sessions as much as you can and participate in real time to maximize your learning, but know that you can take this online program as your schedule allows without missing anything, as all live sessions will be recorded and will be available shortly after they complete.
There are lessons, classes, breaks, video lessons, teaching practicum, homework, and many additional resources which we will deliver to you immediately upon purchase. This training lives in one easy to find place - when you log into website and access the "Training Resources" section of our site library. Within 24 hours of purchase you will receive an email with access and troubleshooting instructions and we are also available to you in person should you need technical assistance getting started.
Join us! We look forward to working with you in this new, cutting edge fashion.
November 10-14 & December 3 (All Online Day)
- Exact daily schedule to be announced in this course’s online learning portal and community SLACK CHANNEL; however, a typical schedule for learning is day begins at 9 am PST and ends at 5 pm PST
- You may attend live sessions partially and catch up with recordings at your own pace
- If these times are not convenient, a recorded version of this course is available now and may be replaced with the February version as soon as it has been recorded
- Students MAY begin any time with recordings and switch into the live course as/if desired
- Students maintain access to the material without expiration and are able to revisit and repeat classes and lessons without limitation
Form, Function & Flow: What you need to know, organizing principles and essential skills
- What is vinyasa yoga? Etymology, definitions, historical context and a comparative look at contemporary vinyasa
styles - Organizational principles of vinyasa
- Vinyasa teaching strategies and skills
- Vinyasa sequencing
- Overview of levels: Level 1, Mixed Levels, Level 2-3
- Balancing instruction with rhythm, pace and flow
- Maintaining momentum and flow
- How to cue breath
- Pacing fundamentals — how to keep consistent rhythm
- How to (and whether to) incorporate physical adjustments into a flow class
- Effective postural demonstrations --considerations and techniques
- Environment: classroom organization, heat, light, music
- Seat of the teacher; holding space for challenge and compassion
- Opening strategies: arriving and settling poses
- Introducing and teaching seated ujayii pranayama
- Progressive sequencing for "surya namaskara A"
- Effective chaturanga and sun salutation modifications
- Progressive sequencing for "surya namaskara B"
Foundations of Flow continued
- Difficult poses and transitions
- Addressing common misalignments while maintaining momentum and pace
- Modifications, options and prop use and other pose improvement strategies
- How to introduce and teach mula and uddiyana bandha
- How to create focus and provide recovery time during class
- Repetition — strategies and principles
- Progressive sequencing for “surya namaskara C"
- Optimizing abdominal strengthening, arm balances and forward bends in vinyasa sequences
- Teaching and optimizing backbends in vinyasa sequences
- Closing postures
- Savasana and ending class
Meaningful Boundaries
- Mixed level strategies for Surya Namaskar, A, B & C
- Mixed level syllabus of arm balances, hip openers and forward bends
- Mixed level sequencing with variations on standing poses, arm balances AND backbends
- Introducing supine ujayii pranayama
- How to incorporate and help students learn handstand and forearm balance in mixed level vinyasa
- Continued exploration for all levels improvement of chaturanga dandasana
- How to deliver safe and effective classes when your peak pose is a backbend
- Preparing for effective classes when your peak poses are arm balances or hip openers
- Introducing viloma pranayama, and kumbaka
Raise the Bar
- Intermediate/advanced syllabus of poses
- How and when (and when not to) to teach intermediate/advanced vinyasa
- How to increase the challenge and safely manage risk
- Set your students up for success; no curve balls, no surprises
- How to sequence intelligently for peak sequence
- Intermediate/advanced vinyasa transitions and skills
- How to teach kapala bhati pranayama
- How to effectively lead practice-style classes
- 1 year of yoga practice recommended
- No prior teaching experience required
- Stiffness and injuries OK
- Willingness to participate in a group process
- Ability to give and receive feedback skillfully
- Dedication, motivation and self directed studentship
“I gained so much from this program – it blew all of my expectations out of the water. I came to get away from my everyday self, but ended up finding so much of myself, both mentally and physically.”
“This was the most holistic, detailed, serious and fun yoga instruction I have ever received. The group was lead with great skill across the ability range within group throughout the program. I learned a lot. I grew in my yoga practice and as a person and had a great time.”
“This is the most rewarding training I’ve ever done. I really loved it. I love the non-dogmatic approach and the openness to other points of view. The content is solid. The instructors are all knowledgeable. I felt inspired and supported. Noah is a bad-ass teacher and amazing human being. I loved everyone on this team – thank you all!”
- We are big believers in getting to know our students personally. We prefer in person communication and respond quickly and comprehensively by phone, and Tracy Mazé may be reached at (310) 871-8808 anytime via call or text.
- Alternatively, please email and include the best phone number to reach you.
- If you prefer communication solely via email, please email and allow us up to a week for us to respond to your inquiry.